by | Apr 7, 2021
2nd Year Tertiary Favourite Subject: Hospitality Favourite Sport: Swimming What he wants to be when he grows up? A Professional Chef
by | Feb 25, 2020
Female – 3rd Year Teaching Internship at Rivonia Primary HIghlight of my journey with Bokamoso: My journey with Bokamoso started when I was in grade R, in 2009. They have been with me throughout my schooling career and supported my family immensely financially....
by | Feb 25, 2020
Female – 1st Year Tertiary Favourite Subject: Afrikaans Favourite Sport: Squash What she wants to be when she grows up? A Pilot
by | Feb 25, 2020
Male – 3rd Year Tertiary – CA(SA) at UCT, Ninety-One Changeblazers Bursary Favourite Subject: Maths Favourite Sport: Soccer What he wants to be when he grows up? A Soccer Player
by | Feb 25, 2020
Male – 1st Year Tertiary Who is my Hero? My heroes are my friends because I’ve come to an understanding of what happens within them and that has given me a better understanding of myself. Now I’m able to appreciate the little things that I have and...