A Brighter Future
For Every Child Starts Today

We do this by providing the necessary financial support for an excellent education. We also provide additional support through on-going personal interaction and mentorship for each child.

We believe that an excellent holistic education is a vital element in providing each child with the necessary grounding to make consistently good decisions for their well-being and ultimately grow into a responsible citizen who can positively contribute to the development of South Africa. We believe that on our own it may be difficult to make a difference but every little bit helps and through a community of donors we can be a catalyst for great change.

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Tomorrow’s Leaders from as little as £15 pm

Join Us in Crafting

Tomorrow’s Leaders from as little as £15 pm

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For just £15 a month, you can sponsor a child’s education through our charity with JustGiving.

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This is a time for collaborations and partnerships, especially in the wake of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. We welcome any individual or corporate willing to join our mission and vision through various platforms, be it sponsorship, corporate donations, employee matching, or helping us with our continued fundraising efforts. We are excited to hear from you.

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“We are really getting on well! The highlight was when I took her to Spur and we enjoyed a meal together and then she played with other kids on the trampoline, she really enjoyed herself and didn’t want to leave ;-). I have visited her when her friend and/or her brother have also been at the school and she has been happy to share my attention and her goodies that we use to colour-in or play together with. She really is a lovely child!

Adilia Mentor to Memory

I think we’re developing a good relationship over time. She trusts now that I’ll be there. I’ve kept the sessions quite casual, mostly just seeing what comes up for us to do. We’ve been to the library, art gallery and walked a bit, played scrabble or just talked, I guided her with a bit of writing. We were both pleased to see each other when she came back from her last holiday.”

Nina mentor to Snamile

Brandon has reminded me of my youth and the many obstacles young boys face today, long after I had grown up and forgotten those problems only to replace them with grown up issues. Being a part of the program has reminded me that there are young kids out there who are the future leaders, engineers, doctors, fire fighters & police men & women, and being a mentor means YOU get a chance to positively guide & influence the minds of the next generation as oppose to letting the best opportunity we have at turning our country & quality of life around slip away.

Lushen mentor to Brandon

“I feel really privileged to be able to share in the life of my little Mentee. She makes my heart warm and my soul sing and reminds me of how it’s our primary duty as adults to take care of and protect our youth. We must prepare them for what life may send their way and give them the tools to cope and make decisions. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!”

Adilia Teixeira Joubert mentor to Melody



United Kingdom Charities Commission - Registered Charity Number: 1149316


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