Female – 3rd Year Teaching Internship at Rivonia Primary
HIghlight of my journey with Bokamoso: My journey with Bokamoso started when I was in grade R, in 2009. They have been with me throughout my schooling career and supported my family immensely financially. [expand title=”Read More”].
Through Bokamoso I have had the privilege of attending Jeppe High School for girls where I matriculated in 2021 as deputy head girl. My high school experience was filled with so many opportunities such as travelling beyond our provincial boarders. As a result of having Bokamoso in my life those were opportunities I was able to explore. They have supported and relived the financial burden placed on my family enabling me to have a successful schooling career.
Impact of having a mentor: Bokamoso provided me with a mentor which I’ve been with for 6 years. She helped me in grade 7 as I was faced with the challenge of choosing a perfect high school. She has supported me throughout my schooling, and continues to support and give advice with any important decisions I’m faced with. My mentor helped me when choosing suitable subject choices for the rest of high school, as well as provided me with guidance when venturing into what I’d do after my high school experience. My mentor has become a significant part of my life and I am entirely grateful to Bokamoso for providing me with one.
In five years’ time I’d like to be in a place in my life where I am happy with what I’m doing and proud of the decisions I’ve made. I’d love to have obtained my degree, and work in a wonderful institution surrounded by passionate people. Sporting wise, I’d love to be playing in a cricket team environment which is filled with happiness and growth.[/expand]